Theory Topology_ZF_7
section ‹Topology 7›
theory Topology_ZF_7 imports Topology_ZF_5
subsection‹Connection Properties›
text‹Another type of topological properties are the connection properties.
These properties establish if the space is formed of several pieces or just one.›
text‹A space is connected iff there is no clopen set other that the empty set
and the total set.›
definition IsConnected ("_{is connected}" 70)
where "T {is connected} ≡ ∀U. (U∈T ∧ (U {is closed in}T)) ⟶ U=0∨U=⋃T"
lemma indiscrete_connected:
shows "{0,X} {is connected}"
unfolding IsConnected_def IsClosed_def by auto
text‹The anti-property of connectedness is called total-diconnectedness.›
definition IsTotDis ("_ {is totally-disconnected}" 70)
where "IsTotDis ≡ ANTI(IsConnected)"
lemma conn_spectrum:
shows "(A{is in the spectrum of}IsConnected) ⟷ A≲1"
assume "A{is in the spectrum of}IsConnected"
then have "∀T. (T{is a topology}∧⋃T≈A) ⟶ (T{is connected})" using Spec_def by auto
have "Pow(A){is a topology}" using Pow_is_top by auto
have "⋃(Pow(A))=A" by auto
then have "⋃(Pow(A))≈A" by auto
ultimately have "Pow(A) {is connected}" by auto
assume "A≠0"
then obtain E where "E∈A" by blast
then have "{E}∈Pow(A)" by auto
have "A-{E}∈Pow(A)" by auto
ultimately have "{E}∈Pow(A)∧{E}{is closed in}Pow(A)" unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
with ‹Pow(A) {is connected}› have "{E}=A" unfolding IsConnected_def by auto
then have "A≈1" using singleton_eqpoll_1 by auto
then have "A≲1" using eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
assume "A=0"
then have "A≲1" using empty_lepollI[of "1"] by auto
ultimately show "A≲1" by auto
assume "A≲1"
fix T
assume "T{is a topology}""⋃T≈A"
assume "⋃T=0"
with ‹T{is a topology}› have "T={0}" using empty_open by auto
then have "T{is connected}" unfolding IsConnected_def by auto
assume "⋃T≠0"
from ‹A≲1›‹⋃T≈A› have "⋃T≲1" using eq_lepoll_trans by auto
obtain E where "⋃T={E}" using lepoll_1_is_sing by blast
have "T⊆Pow(⋃T)" by auto
ultimately have "T⊆Pow({E})" by auto
then have "T⊆{0,{E}}" by blast
with ‹T{is a topology}› have "{0}⊆T" "T⊆{0,{E}}" using empty_open by auto
then have "T{is connected}" unfolding IsConnected_def by auto
ultimately have "T{is connected}" by auto
then show "A{is in the spectrum of}IsConnected" unfolding Spec_def by auto
text‹The discrete space is a first example of totally-disconnected space.›
lemma discrete_tot_dis:
shows "Pow(X) {is totally-disconnected}"
fix A assume "A∈Pow(X)" and con:"(Pow(X){restricted to}A){is connected}"
have res:"(Pow(X){restricted to}A)=Pow(A)" unfolding RestrictedTo_def using ‹A∈Pow(X)›
by blast
assume "A=0"
then have "A≲1" using empty_lepollI[of "1"] by auto
then have "A{is in the spectrum of}IsConnected" using conn_spectrum by auto
assume "A≠0"
then obtain E where "E∈A" by blast
then have "{E}∈Pow(A)" by auto
have "A-{E}∈Pow(A)" by auto
ultimately have "{E}∈Pow(A)∧{E}{is closed in}Pow(A)" unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
with con res have "{E}=A" unfolding IsConnected_def by auto
then have "A≈1" using singleton_eqpoll_1 by auto
then have "A≲1" using eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
then have "A{is in the spectrum of}IsConnected" using conn_spectrum by auto
ultimately have "A{is in the spectrum of}IsConnected" by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding IsTotDis_def antiProperty_def by auto
text‹An space is hyperconnected iff every two non-empty open sets meet.›
definition IsHConnected ("_{is hyperconnected}"90)
where "T{is hyperconnected} ≡∀U V. U∈T ∧ V∈T ∧ U∩V=0 ⟶ U=0∨V=0"
text‹Every hyperconnected space is connected.›
lemma HConn_imp_Conn:
assumes "T{is hyperconnected}"
shows "T{is connected}"
fix U
assume "U∈T""U {is closed in}T"
then have "⋃T-U∈T""U∈T" using IsClosed_def by auto
have "(⋃T-U)∩U=0" by auto
note assms
have "U=0∨(⋃T-U)=0" using IsHConnected_def by auto
with ‹U∈T› have "U=0∨U=⋃T" by auto
then show ?thesis using IsConnected_def by auto
lemma Indiscrete_HConn:
shows "{0,X}{is hyperconnected}"
unfolding IsHConnected_def by auto
text‹A first example of an hyperconnected space but not indiscrete, is the cofinite topology on
the natural numbers.›
lemma Cofinite_nat_HConn:
assumes "¬(X≺nat)"
shows "(CoFinite X){is hyperconnected}"
fix U V
assume "U∈(CoFinite X)""V∈(CoFinite X)""U∩V=0"
then have eq:"(X-U)≺nat∨U=0""(X-V)≺nat∨V=0" unfolding Cofinite_def
CoCardinal_def by auto
from ‹U∩V=0› have un:"(X-U)∪(X-V)=X" by auto
assume AS:"(X-U)≺nat""(X-V)≺nat"
from un have "X≺nat" using less_less_imp_un_less[OF AS InfCard_nat] by auto
then have "False" using assms by auto
with eq(1,2) have "U=0∨V=0" by auto
then show "(CoFinite X){is hyperconnected}" using IsHConnected_def by auto
lemma HConn_spectrum:
shows "(A{is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected) ⟷ A≲1"
assume "A{is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected"
then have "∀T. (T{is a topology}∧⋃T≈A) ⟶ (T{is hyperconnected})" using Spec_def by auto
have "Pow(A){is a topology}" using Pow_is_top by auto
have "⋃(Pow(A))=A" by auto
then have "⋃(Pow(A))≈A" by auto
have HC_Pow:"Pow(A){is hyperconnected}" by auto
assume "A=0"
then have "A≲1" using empty_lepollI by auto
assume "A≠0"
then obtain e where "e∈A" by blast
then have "{e}∈Pow(A)" by auto
have "A-{e}∈Pow(A)" by auto
have "{e}∩(A-{e})=0" by auto
note HC_Pow
ultimately have "A-{e}=0" unfolding IsHConnected_def by blast
with ‹e∈A› have "A={e}" by auto
then have "A≈1" using singleton_eqpoll_1 by auto
then have "A≲1" using eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
ultimately show "A≲1" by auto
assume "A≲1"
fix T
assume "T{is a topology}""⋃T≈A"
assume "⋃T=0"
with ‹T{is a topology}› have "T={0}" using empty_open by auto
then have "T{is hyperconnected}" unfolding IsHConnected_def by auto
assume "⋃T≠0"
from ‹A≲1›‹⋃T≈A› have "⋃T≲1" using eq_lepoll_trans by auto
obtain E where "⋃T={E}" using lepoll_1_is_sing by blast
have "T⊆Pow(⋃T)" by auto
ultimately have "T⊆Pow({E})" by auto
then have "T⊆{0,{E}}" by blast
with ‹T{is a topology}› have "{0}⊆T" "T⊆{0,{E}}" using empty_open by auto
then have "T{is hyperconnected}" unfolding IsHConnected_def by auto
ultimately have "T{is hyperconnected}" by auto
then show "A{is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" unfolding Spec_def by auto
text‹In the following results we will show that anti-hyperconnectedness is a separation
property between $T_1$ and $T_2$. We will show also that both implications are proper.›
text‹First, the closure of a point in every topological space is always hyperconnected.
This is the reason why every anti-hyperconnected space must be $T_1$: every singleton
must be closed.›
lemma (in topology0)cl_point_imp_HConn:
assumes "x∈⋃T"
shows "(T{restricted to}Closure({x},T)){is hyperconnected}"
from assms have sub:"Closure({x},T)⊆⋃T" using Top_3_L11 by auto
then have tot:"⋃(T{restricted to}Closure({x},T))=Closure({x},T)" unfolding RestrictedTo_def by auto
fix A B
assume AS:"A∈(T{restricted to}Closure({x},T))""B∈(T{restricted to}Closure({x},T))""A∩B=0"
then have "B⊆⋃((T{restricted to}Closure({x},T)))""A⊆⋃((T{restricted to}Closure({x},T)))"
by auto
with tot have "B⊆Closure({x},T)""A⊆Closure({x},T)" by auto
from AS(1,2) obtain UA UB where UAUB:"UA∈T""UB∈T""A=UA∩Closure({x},T)""B=UB∩Closure({x},T)"
unfolding RestrictedTo_def by auto
then have "Closure({x},T)-A=Closure({x},T)-(UA∩Closure({x},T))" "Closure({x},T)-B=Closure({x},T)-(UB∩Closure({x},T))"
by auto
then have "Closure({x},T)-A=Closure({x},T)-(UA)" "Closure({x},T)-B=Closure({x},T)-(UB)"
by auto
with sub have "Closure({x},T)-A=Closure({x},T)∩(⋃T-UA)" "Closure({x},T)-B=Closure({x},T)∩(⋃T-UB)" by auto
from UAUB have "(⋃T-UA){is closed in}T""(⋃T-UB){is closed in}T" using Top_3_L9 by auto
have "Closure({x},T){is closed in}T" using cl_is_closed assms by auto
ultimately have "(Closure({x},T)-A){is closed in}T""(Closure({x},T)-B){is closed in}T"
using Top_3_L5(1) by auto
have "x∈Closure({x},T)" using cl_contains_set assms by auto
from AS(3) have "x∉A∨x∉B" by auto
ultimately have "x∈(Closure({x},T)-A)∨x∈(Closure({x},T)-B)" by auto
ultimately have "Closure({x},T)⊆(Closure({x},T)-A) ∨ Closure({x},T)⊆(Closure({x},T)-B)"
using Top_3_L13 by auto
then have "A∩Closure({x},T)=0 ∨ B∩Closure({x},T)=0" by auto
with ‹B⊆Closure({x},T)›‹A⊆Closure({x},T)› have "A=0∨B=0" using cl_contains_set assms by blast
then show ?thesis unfolding IsHConnected_def by auto
text‹A consequence is that every totally-disconnected space is $T_1$.›
lemma (in topology0) tot_dis_imp_T1:
assumes "T{is totally-disconnected}"
shows "T{is T⇩1}"
fix x y
assume "y∈⋃T""x∈⋃T""y≠x"
then have "(T{restricted to}Closure({x},T)){is hyperconnected}" using cl_point_imp_HConn by auto
then have "(T{restricted to}Closure({x},T)){is connected}" using HConn_imp_Conn by auto
from ‹x∈⋃T› have "Closure({x},T)⊆⋃T" using Top_3_L11(1) by auto
note assms
ultimately have "Closure({x},T){is in the spectrum of}IsConnected" unfolding IsTotDis_def antiProperty_def
by auto
then have "Closure({x},T)≲1" using conn_spectrum by auto
from ‹x∈⋃T› have "x∈Closure({x},T)" using cl_contains_set by auto
ultimately have "Closure({x},T)={x}" using lepoll_1_is_sing[of "Closure({x},T)" "x"] by auto
then have "{x}{is closed in}T" using Top_3_L8 ‹x∈⋃T› by auto
then have "⋃T-{x}∈T" unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
from ‹y∈⋃T›‹y≠x› have "y∈⋃T-{x}∧x∉⋃T-{x}" by auto
ultimately have "∃U∈T. y∈U∧x∉U" by force
then show ?thesis unfolding isT1_def by auto
text‹In the literature, there exists a class of spaces called sober spaces; where the only non-empty closed
hyperconnected subspaces are the closures of points and closures of different singletons
are different.›
definition IsSober ("_{is sober}"90)
where "T{is sober} ≡ ∀A∈Pow(⋃T)-{0}. (A{is closed in}T ∧ ((T{restricted to}A){is hyperconnected})) ⟶ (∃x∈⋃T. A=Closure({x},T) ∧ (∀y∈⋃T. A=Closure({y},T) ⟶ y=x) )"
text‹Being sober is weaker than being anti-hyperconnected.›
theorem (in topology0) anti_HConn_imp_sober:
assumes "T{is anti-}IsHConnected"
shows "T{is sober}"
fix A assume "A∈Pow(⋃T)-{0}""A{is closed in}T""(T{restricted to}A){is hyperconnected}"
with assms have "A{is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" unfolding antiProperty_def by auto
then have "A≲1" using HConn_spectrum by auto
with ‹A∈Pow(⋃T)-{0}› have "A≠0" by auto
then obtain x where "x∈A" by auto
ultimately have "A={x}" using lepoll_1_is_sing by auto
with ‹A{is closed in}T› have "{x}{is closed in}T" by auto
moreover from ‹x∈A› ‹A∈Pow(⋃T)-{0}› have "{x}∈Pow(⋃T)" by auto
have "Closure({x},T)={x}" unfolding Closure_def ClosedCovers_def by auto
with ‹A={x}› have "A=Closure({x},T)" by auto
fix y assume "y∈⋃T""A=Closure({y},T)"
then have "{y}⊆Closure({y},T)" using cl_contains_set by auto
with ‹A=Closure({y},T)› have "y∈A" by auto
with ‹A={x}› have "y=x" by auto
then have "∀y∈⋃T. A=Closure({y},T) ⟶ y=x" by auto
moreover note ‹{x}∈Pow(⋃T)›
ultimately have "∃x∈⋃T. A=Closure({x},T)∧(∀y∈⋃T. A=Closure({y},T) ⟶ y=x)" by auto
then show ?thesis using IsSober_def by auto
text‹Every sober space is $T_0$.›
lemma (in topology0) sober_imp_T0:
assumes "T{is sober}"
shows "T{is T⇩0}"
fix x y
assume AS:"x∈⋃T""y∈⋃T""x≠y""∀U∈T. x∈U ⟷ y∈U"
from ‹x∈⋃T› have clx:"Closure({x},T) {is closed in}T" using cl_is_closed by auto
with ‹x∈⋃T› have "(⋃T-Closure({x},T))∈T" using Top_3_L11(1) unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
from ‹x∈⋃T› have "x∈Closure({x},T)" using cl_contains_set by auto
note AS(1,4)
ultimately have "y∉(⋃T-Closure({x},T))" by auto
with AS(2) have "y∈Closure({x},T)" by auto
with clx have ineq1:"Closure({y},T)⊆Closure({x},T)" using Top_3_L13 by auto
from ‹y∈⋃T› have cly:"Closure({y},T) {is closed in}T" using cl_is_closed by auto
with ‹y∈⋃T› have "(⋃T-Closure({y},T))∈T" using Top_3_L11(1) unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
from ‹y∈⋃T› have "y∈Closure({y},T)" using cl_contains_set by auto
note AS(2,4)
ultimately have "x∉(⋃T-Closure({y},T))" by auto
with AS(1) have "x∈Closure({y},T)" by auto
with cly have "Closure({x},T)⊆Closure({y},T)" using Top_3_L13 by auto
with ineq1 have eq:"Closure({x},T)=Closure({y},T)" by auto
have "Closure({x},T)∈Pow(⋃T)-{0}" using Top_3_L11(1) ‹x∈⋃T› ‹x∈Closure({x},T)› by auto
moreover note assms clx
ultimately have "∃t∈⋃T.( Closure({x},T) = Closure({t}, T) ∧ (∀y∈⋃T. Closure({x},T) = Closure({y}, T) ⟶ y = t))"
unfolding IsSober_def using cl_point_imp_HConn[OF ‹x∈⋃T›] by auto
then obtain t where t_def:"t∈⋃T""Closure({x},T) = Closure({t}, T)""∀y∈⋃T. Closure({x},T) = Closure({y}, T) ⟶ y = t"
by blast
with eq have "y=t" using ‹y∈⋃T› by auto
moreover from t_def ‹x∈⋃T› have "x=t" by blast
ultimately have "y=x" by auto
with ‹x≠y› have "False" by auto
then have "∀x y. x∈⋃T∧y∈⋃T∧x≠y ⟶ (∃U∈T. (x∈U∧y∉U)∨(y∈U∧x∉U))" by auto
then show ?thesis using isT0_def by auto
text‹Every $T_2$ space is anti-hyperconnected.›
theorem (in topology0) T2_imp_anti_HConn:
assumes "T{is T⇩2}"
shows "T{is anti-}IsHConnected"
fix TT
assume "TT{is a topology}" "TT{is hyperconnected}""TT{is T⇩2}"
assume "⋃TT=0"
then have "⋃TT≲1" using empty_lepollI by auto
then have "(⋃TT){is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" using HConn_spectrum by auto
assume "⋃TT≠0"
then obtain x where "x∈⋃TT" by blast
fix y
assume "y∈⋃TT""x≠y"
with ‹TT{is T⇩2}›‹x∈⋃TT› obtain U V where "U∈TT""V∈TT""x∈U""y∈V""U∩V=0" unfolding isT2_def by blast
with ‹TT{is hyperconnected}› have "False" using IsHConnected_def by auto
with ‹x∈⋃TT› have "⋃TT={x}" by auto
then have "⋃TT≈1" using singleton_eqpoll_1 by auto
then have "⋃TT≲1" using eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
then have "(⋃TT){is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" using HConn_spectrum by auto
ultimately have "(⋃TT){is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" by blast
then have "∀T. ((T{is a topology}∧(T{is hyperconnected})∧(T{is T⇩2}))⟶ ((⋃T){is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected))"
by auto
note here_T2
have "∀T. T{is a topology} ⟶ ((T{is T⇩2})⟶(T{is anti-}IsHConnected))" using Q_P_imp_Spec[where P=IsHConnected and Q=isT2]
by auto
then show ?thesis using assms topSpaceAssum by auto
text‹Every anti-hyperconnected space is $T_1$.›
theorem anti_HConn_imp_T1:
assumes "T{is anti-}IsHConnected"
shows "T{is T⇩1}"
fix x y
assume "x∈⋃T""y∈⋃T""x≠y"
assume AS:"∀U∈T. x∉U∨y∈U"
from ‹x∈⋃T›‹y∈⋃T› have "{x,y}∈Pow(⋃T)" by auto
then have sub:"(T{restricted to}{x,y})⊆Pow({x,y})" using RestrictedTo_def by auto
fix U V
assume H:"U∈T{restricted to}{x,y}" "V∈(T{restricted to}{x,y})""U∩V=0"
with AS have "x∈U⟶y∈U""x∈V⟶y∈V" unfolding RestrictedTo_def by auto
with H(1,2) sub have "x∈U⟶U={x,y}""x∈V⟶V={x,y}" by auto
with H sub have "x∈U⟶(U={x,y}∧V=0)""x∈V⟶(V={x,y}∧U=0)" by auto
then have "(x∈U∨x∈V)⟶(U=0∨V=0)" by auto
from sub H have "(x∉U∧x∉V)⟶ (U=0∨V=0)" by blast
ultimately have "U=0∨V=0" by auto
then have "(T{restricted to}{x,y}){is hyperconnected}" unfolding IsHConnected_def by auto
with assms‹{x,y}∈Pow(⋃T)› have "{x,y}{is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" unfolding antiProperty_def
by auto
then have "{x,y}≲1" using HConn_spectrum by auto
have "x∈{x,y}" by auto
ultimately have "{x,y}={x}" using lepoll_1_is_sing[of "{x,y}""x"] by auto
have "y∈{x,y}" by auto
ultimately have "y∈{x}" by auto
then have "y=x" by auto
with ‹x≠y› have "False" by auto
then have "∃U∈T. x∈U∧y∉U" by auto
then show ?thesis using isT1_def by auto
text‹There is at least one topological space that is $T_1$, but not anti-hyperconnected.
This space is the cofinite topology on the natural numbers.›
lemma Cofinite_not_anti_HConn:
shows "¬((CoFinite nat){is anti-}IsHConnected)" and "(CoFinite nat){is T⇩1}"
assume "(CoFinite nat){is anti-}IsHConnected"
have "⋃(CoFinite nat)=nat" unfolding Cofinite_def using union_cocardinal by auto
have "(CoFinite nat){restricted to}nat=(CoFinite nat)" using subspace_cocardinal unfolding Cofinite_def
by auto
have "¬(nat≺nat)" by auto
then have "(CoFinite nat){is hyperconnected}" using Cofinite_nat_HConn[of "nat"] by auto
ultimately have "nat{is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" unfolding antiProperty_def by auto
then have "nat≲1" using HConn_spectrum by auto
have "1∈nat" by auto
then have "1≺nat" using n_lesspoll_nat by auto
ultimately have "nat≺nat" using lesspoll_trans1 by auto
then have "False" by auto
then show "¬((CoFinite nat){is anti-}IsHConnected)" by auto
show "(CoFinite nat){is T⇩1}" using cocardinal_is_T1 InfCard_nat unfolding Cofinite_def by auto
text‹The join-topology build from the cofinite topology on the natural numbers,
and the excluded set topology on the natural numbers excluding ‹{0,1}›;
is just the union of both.›
lemma join_top_cofinite_excluded_set:
shows "(joinT {CoFinite nat,ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})})=(CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})"
have coftop:"(CoFinite nat){is a topology}" unfolding Cofinite_def using CoCar_is_topology InfCard_nat by auto
have "ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}){is a topology}" using excludedset_is_topology by auto
have exuni:"⋃ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})=nat" using union_excludedset by auto
have cofuni:"⋃(CoFinite nat)=nat" using union_cocardinal unfolding Cofinite_def by auto
ultimately have "(joinT {CoFinite nat,ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})}) = (THE T. (CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}) {is a subbase for} T)"
using joinT_def by auto
have "⋃(CoFinite nat)∈CoFinite nat" using CoCar_is_topology[OF InfCard_nat] unfolding Cofinite_def IsATopology_def
by auto
with cofuni have n:"nat∈CoFinite nat" by auto
have Pa:"(CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}) {is a subbase for}{⋃A. A∈Pow({⋂B. B∈FinPow((CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))})}"
using Top_subbase(2) by auto
have "{⋃A. A∈Pow({⋂B. B∈FinPow((CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))})}=(THE T. (CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}) {is a subbase for} T)"
using same_subbase_same_top[where B="(CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})", OF _ Pa] the_equality[where a="{⋃A. A∈Pow({⋂B. B∈FinPow((CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))})}" and P="λT. ((CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})){is a subbase for}T",
OF Pa] by auto
ultimately have equal:"(joinT {CoFinite nat,ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})}) ={⋃A. A∈Pow({⋂B. B∈FinPow((CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))})}"
by auto
fix U assume "U∈{⋃A. A∈Pow({⋂B. B∈FinPow((CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))})}"
then obtain AU where "U=⋃AU" and base:"AU∈Pow({⋂B. B∈FinPow((CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))})"
by auto
have "(CoFinite nat)⊆Pow(⋃(CoFinite nat))" by auto
have "ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})⊆Pow(⋃ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))" by auto
note cofuni exuni
ultimately have sub:"(CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})⊆Pow(nat)" by auto
from base have "∀S∈AU. S∈{⋂B. B∈FinPow((CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))}" by blast
then have "∀S∈AU. ∃B∈FinPow((CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})). S=⋂B" by blast
then have eq:"∀S∈AU. ∃B∈Pow((CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})). S=⋂B" unfolding FinPow_def by blast
fix S assume "S∈AU"
with eq obtain B where "B∈Pow((CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))""S=⋂B" by auto
with sub have "B∈Pow(Pow(nat))" by auto
fix x assume "x∈⋂B"
then have "∀N∈B. x∈N""B≠0" by auto
with ‹B∈Pow(Pow(nat))› have "x∈nat" by blast
with ‹S=⋂B› have "S∈Pow(nat)" by auto
then have "∀S∈AU. S∈Pow(nat)" by blast
with ‹U=⋃AU› have "U∈Pow(nat)" by auto
assume "0∈U∨1∈U"
with ‹U=⋃AU› obtain S where "S∈AU""0∈S∨1∈S" by auto
with base obtain BS where "S=⋂BS" and bsbase:"BS∈FinPow((CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))" by auto
with ‹0∈S∨1∈S› have "∀M∈BS. 0∈M∨1∈M" by auto
then have "∀M∈BS. M∉ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})-{nat}" unfolding ExcludedPoint_def ExcludedSet_def by auto
note bsbase n
ultimately have "BS∈FinPow(CoFinite nat)" unfolding FinPow_def by auto
from ‹0∈S∨1∈S› have "S≠0" by auto
with ‹S=⋂BS› have "BS≠0" by auto
note coftop
ultimately have "⋂BS∈CoFinite nat" using topology0.fin_inter_open_open[OF topology0_CoCardinal[OF InfCard_nat]]
unfolding Cofinite_def by auto
with ‹S=⋂BS› have "S∈CoFinite nat" by auto
with ‹0∈S∨1∈S› have "nat-S≺nat" unfolding Cofinite_def CoCardinal_def by auto
from ‹U=⋃AU›‹S∈AU› have "S⊆U" by auto
then have "nat-U⊆nat-S" by auto
then have "nat-U≲nat-S" using subset_imp_lepoll by auto
have "nat-U≺nat" using lesspoll_trans1 by auto
with ‹U∈Pow(nat)› have "U∈CoFinite nat" unfolding Cofinite_def CoCardinal_def by auto
with ‹U∈Pow(nat)› have "U∈ (CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})" by auto
with ‹U∈Pow(nat)› have "U∈(CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})" unfolding ExcludedSet_def by blast
then have "({⋃A . A ∈ Pow({⋂B . B ∈ FinPow((CoFinite nat) ∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))})}) ⊆ (CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})"
by blast
fix U
assume "U∈(CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})"
then have "{U}∈FinPow((CoFinite nat) ∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))" unfolding FinPow_def by auto
then have "{U}∈Pow({⋂B . B ∈ FinPow((CoFinite nat) ∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))})" by blast
have "U=⋃{U}" by auto
ultimately have "U∈{⋃A . A ∈ Pow({⋂B . B ∈ FinPow((CoFinite nat) ∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))})}" by blast
then have "(CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})⊆{⋃A . A ∈ Pow({⋂B . B ∈ FinPow((CoFinite nat) ∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))})}"
by auto
ultimately have "(CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})={⋃A . A ∈ Pow({⋂B . B ∈ FinPow((CoFinite nat) ∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))})}"
by auto
with equal show ?thesis by auto
text‹The previous topology in not $T_2$, but is anti-hyperconnected.›
theorem join_Cofinite_ExclPoint_not_T2:
"¬((joinT {CoFinite nat, ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})}){is T⇩2})" and
"(joinT {CoFinite nat,ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})}){is anti-} IsHConnected"
have "(CoFinite nat) ⊆ (CoFinite nat) ∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})" by auto
have "⋃((CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))=(⋃(CoFinite nat))∪ (⋃ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))"
by auto
have "…=nat "unfolding Cofinite_def using union_cocardinal union_excludedset by auto
ultimately have tot:"⋃((CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}))=nat" by auto
assume "(joinT {CoFinite nat,ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})}) {is T⇩2}"
then have t2:"((CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})){is T⇩2}" using join_top_cofinite_excluded_set
by auto
with tot have "∃U∈((CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})). ∃V∈((CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})). 0∈U∧1∈V∧U∩V=0" using isT2_def by auto
then obtain U V where "U ∈ (CoFinite nat) ∨ (0 ∉ U∧1∉U)""V ∈ (CoFinite nat) ∨ (0 ∉ V∧1∉V)""0∈U""1∈V""U∩V=0"
unfolding ExcludedSet_def by auto
then have "U∈(CoFinite nat)""V∈(CoFinite nat)" by auto
with ‹0∈U›‹1∈V› have "U∩V≠0" using Cofinite_nat_HConn IsHConnected_def by auto
with ‹U∩V=0› have "False" by auto
then show "¬((joinT {CoFinite nat,ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})}){is T⇩2})" by auto
fix A assume AS:"A∈Pow(⋃((CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})))""(((CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})){restricted to}A){is hyperconnected}"
with tot have "A∈Pow(nat)" by auto
then have sub:"A∩nat=A" by auto
have "((CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})){restricted to}A=((CoFinite nat){restricted to}A)∪ (ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1}){restricted to}A)"
unfolding RestrictedTo_def by auto
also from sub have "…=(CoFinite A)∪ExcludedSet(A,{0,1})" using subspace_excludedset[of"nat""{0,1}""A"] subspace_cocardinal[of "nat""nat""A"] unfolding Cofinite_def
by auto
finally have "((CoFinite nat)∪ ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})){restricted to}A=(CoFinite A)∪ExcludedSet(A,{0,1})" by auto
with AS(2) have eq:"((CoFinite A)∪ExcludedSet(A,{0,1})){is hyperconnected}" by auto
assume "{0,1}∩A=0"
then have "(CoFinite A)∪ExcludedSet(A,{0,1})=Pow(A)" using empty_excludedset[of "{0,1}""A"] unfolding Cofinite_def CoCardinal_def
by auto
with eq have "Pow(A){is hyperconnected}" by auto
then have "Pow(A){is connected}" using HConn_imp_Conn by auto
have "Pow(A){is anti-}IsConnected" using discrete_tot_dis unfolding IsTotDis_def by auto
have "⋃(Pow(A))∈Pow(⋃(Pow(A)))" by auto
have "Pow(A){restricted to}⋃(Pow(A))=Pow(A)" unfolding RestrictedTo_def by blast
ultimately have "(⋃(Pow(A))){is in the spectrum of}IsConnected" unfolding antiProperty_def
by auto
then have "A{is in the spectrum of}IsConnected" by auto
then have "A≲1" using conn_spectrum by auto
then have "A{is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" using HConn_spectrum by auto
assume AS:"{0,1}∩A≠0"
assume "A={0}∨A={1}"
then have "A≈1" using singleton_eqpoll_1 by auto
then have "A≲1" using eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
then have "A{is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" using HConn_spectrum by auto
assume AS2:"¬(A={0}∨A={1})"
assume AS3:"A⊆{0,1}"
with AS AS2 have A_def:"A={0,1}" by blast
then have "ExcludedSet(A,{0,1})=ExcludedSet(A,A)" by auto
moreover have "ExcludedSet(A,A)={0,A}" unfolding ExcludedSet_def by blast
ultimately have "ExcludedSet(A,{0,1})={0,A}" by auto
have "0∈(CoFinite A)" using empty_open[of "CoFinite A"]
CoCar_is_topology[OF InfCard_nat,of "A"] unfolding Cofinite_def by auto
have "⋃(CoFinite A)=A" using union_cocardinal unfolding Cofinite_def by auto
then have "A∈(CoFinite A)" using CoCar_is_topology[OF InfCard_nat,of "A"] unfolding Cofinite_def
IsATopology_def by auto
ultimately have "(CoFinite A)∪ExcludedSet(A,{0,1})=(CoFinite A)" by auto
with eq have"(CoFinite A){is hyperconnected}" by auto
with A_def have hyp:"(CoFinite {0,1}){is hyperconnected}" by auto
have "{0}≈1""{1}≈1" using singleton_eqpoll_1 by auto
have "1≺nat" using n_lesspoll_nat by auto
ultimately have "{0}≺nat""{1}≺nat" using eq_lesspoll_trans by auto
have "{0,1}-{1}={0}""{0,1}-{0}={1}" by auto
ultimately have "{1}∈(CoFinite {0,1})""{0}∈(CoFinite {0,1})" "{1}∩{0}=0" unfolding Cofinite_def CoCardinal_def
by auto
with hyp have "False" unfolding IsHConnected_def by auto
then obtain t where "t∈A" "t≠0" "t≠1" by auto
then have "{t}∈ExcludedSet(A,{0,1})" unfolding ExcludedSet_def by auto
have "{t}≈1" using singleton_eqpoll_1 by auto
have "1≺nat" using n_lesspoll_nat by auto
ultimately have "{t}≺nat" using eq_lesspoll_trans by auto
with ‹t∈A› have "A-(A-{t})={t}" by auto
ultimately have "A-{t}∈(CoFinite A)" unfolding Cofinite_def CoCardinal_def
by auto
ultimately have "{t}∈((CoFinite A)∪ExcludedSet(A,{0,1}))""A-{t}∈((CoFinite A)∪ExcludedSet(A,{0,1}))"
"{t}∩(A-{t})=0" by auto
with eq have "A-{t}=0" unfolding IsHConnected_def by auto
with ‹t∈A› have "A={t}" by auto
then have "A≈1" using singleton_eqpoll_1 by auto
then have "A≲1" using eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
then have "A{is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" using HConn_spectrum by auto
ultimately have "A{is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" by auto
ultimately have "A{is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" by auto
then have "((CoFinite nat)∪ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})){is anti-}IsHConnected" unfolding antiProperty_def
by auto
then show "(joinT {CoFinite nat, ExcludedSet(nat,{0,1})}){is anti-}IsHConnected" using join_top_cofinite_excluded_set
by auto
text‹Let's show that anti-hyperconnected is in fact $T_1$ and sober. The trick of the proof lies
in the fact that if a subset is hyperconnected, its closure is so too (the closure of a point
is then always hyperconnected because singletons are in the spectrum); since the closure
is closed, we can apply the sober property on it.›
theorem (in topology0) T1_sober_imp_anti_HConn:
assumes "T{is T⇩1}" and "T{is sober}"
shows "T{is anti-}IsHConnected"
fix A assume AS:"A∈Pow(⋃T)""(T{restricted to}A){is hyperconnected}"
assume "A=0"
then have "A≲1" using empty_lepollI by auto
then have "A{is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" using HConn_spectrum by auto
assume "A≠0"
then obtain x where "x∈A" by blast
assume "¬((T{restricted to}Closure(A,T)){is hyperconnected})"
then obtain U V where UV_def:"U∈(T{restricted to}Closure(A,T))""V∈(T{restricted to}Closure(A,T))"
"U∩V=0""U≠0""V≠0" using IsHConnected_def by auto
then obtain UCA VCA where "UCA∈T""VCA∈T""U=UCA∩Closure(A,T)""V=VCA∩Closure(A,T)"
unfolding RestrictedTo_def by auto
from ‹A∈Pow(⋃T)› have "A⊆Closure(A,T)" using cl_contains_set by auto
then have "UCA∩A⊆UCA∩Closure(A,T)""VCA∩A⊆VCA∩Closure(A,T)" by auto
with ‹U=UCA∩Closure(A,T)›‹V=VCA∩Closure(A,T)›‹U∩V=0› have "(UCA∩A)∩(VCA∩A)=0" by auto
from ‹UCA∈T›‹VCA∈T› have "UCA∩A∈(T{restricted to}A)""VCA∩A∈(T{restricted to}A)"
unfolding RestrictedTo_def by auto
note AS(2)
ultimately have "UCA∩A=0∨VCA∩A=0" using IsHConnected_def by auto
with ‹A⊆Closure(A,T)› have "A⊆Closure(A,T)-UCA∨A⊆Closure(A,T)-VCA" by auto
have "Closure(A,T)-UCA=Closure(A,T)∩(⋃T-UCA)""Closure(A,T)-VCA=Closure(A,T)∩(⋃T-VCA)"
using Top_3_L11(1) AS(1) by auto
with ‹UCA∈T›‹VCA∈T› have "(⋃T-UCA){is closed in}T""(⋃T-VCA){is closed in}T""Closure(A,T){is closed in}T"
using Top_3_L9 cl_is_closed AS(1) by auto
ultimately have "(Closure(A,T)-UCA){is closed in}T""(Closure(A,T)-VCA){is closed in}T"
using Top_3_L5(1) by auto
have "Closure(A,T)⊆Closure(A,T)-UCA∨Closure(A,T)⊆Closure(A,T)-VCA" using Top_3_L13
by auto
then have "UCA∩Closure(A,T)=0∨VCA∩Closure(A,T)=0" by auto
with ‹U=UCA∩Closure(A,T)›‹V=VCA∩Closure(A,T)› have "U=0∨V=0" by auto
with ‹U≠0›‹V≠0› have "False" by auto
then have "(T{restricted to}Closure(A,T)){is hyperconnected}" by auto
have "Closure(A,T){is closed in}T" using cl_is_closed AS(1) by auto
from ‹x∈A› have "Closure(A,T)≠0" using cl_contains_set AS(1) by auto
from AS(1) have "Closure(A,T)⊆⋃T" using Top_3_L11(1) by auto
ultimately have "Closure(A,T)∈Pow(⋃T)-{0}""(T {restricted to} Closure(A, T)){is hyperconnected}" "Closure(A, T) {is closed in} T"
by auto
moreover note assms(2)
ultimately have "∃x∈⋃T. (Closure(A,T)=Closure({x},T)∧ (∀y∈⋃T. Closure(A,T) = Closure({y}, T) ⟶ y = x))" unfolding IsSober_def
by auto
then obtain y where "y∈⋃T""Closure(A,T)=Closure({y},T)" by auto
fix z assume "z∈(⋃T)-{y}"
with assms(1) ‹y∈⋃T› obtain U where "U∈T" "z∈U" "y∉U" using isT1_def by blast
then have "U∈T" "z∈U" "U⊆(⋃T)-{y}" by auto
then have "∃U∈T. z∈U ∧ U⊆(⋃T)-{y}" by auto
then have "∀z∈(⋃T)-{y}. ∃U∈T. z∈U ∧ U⊆(⋃T)-{y}" by auto
then have "⋃T-{y}∈T" using open_neigh_open by auto
with ‹y∈⋃T› have "{y} {is closed in}T" using IsClosed_def by auto
with ‹y∈⋃T› have "Closure({y},T)={y}" using Top_3_L8 by auto
with ‹Closure(A,T)=Closure({y},T)› have "Closure(A,T)={y}" by auto
with AS(1) have "A⊆{y}" using cl_contains_set[of "A"] by auto
with ‹A≠0› have "A={y}" by auto
then have "A≈1" using singleton_eqpoll_1 by auto
then have "A≲1" using eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
then have "A{is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" using HConn_spectrum by auto
ultimately have "A{is in the spectrum of}IsHConnected" by blast
then show ?thesis using antiProperty_def by auto
theorem (in topology0) anti_HConn_iff_T1_sober:
shows "(T{is anti-}IsHConnected) ⟷ (T{is sober}∧T{is T⇩1})"
using T1_sober_imp_anti_HConn anti_HConn_imp_T1 anti_HConn_imp_sober by auto
text‹A space is ultraconnected iff every two non-empty closed sets meet.›
definition IsUConnected ("_{is ultraconnected}"80)
where "T{is ultraconnected}≡ ∀A B. A{is closed in}T∧B{is closed in}T∧A∩B=0 ⟶ A=0∨B=0"
text‹Every ultraconnected space is trivially normal.›
lemma (in topology0)UConn_imp_normal:
assumes "T{is ultraconnected}"
shows "T{is normal}"
fix A B
assume AS:"A{is closed in}T" "B{is closed in}T""A∩B=0"
with assms have "A=0∨B=0" using IsUConnected_def by auto
with AS(1,2) have "(A⊆0∧B⊆⋃T)∨(A⊆⋃T∧B⊆0)" unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
have "0∈T" using empty_open topSpaceAssum by auto
have "⋃T∈T" using topSpaceAssum unfolding IsATopology_def by auto
ultimately have "∃U∈T. ∃V∈T. A⊆U∧B⊆V∧U∩V=0" by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding IsNormal_def by auto
text‹Every ultraconnected space is connected.›
lemma UConn_imp_Conn:
assumes "T{is ultraconnected}"
shows "T{is connected}"
fix U V
assume "U∈T""U{is closed in}T"
then have "⋃T-(⋃T-U)=U" by auto
with ‹U∈T› have "(⋃T-U){is closed in}T" unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
with ‹U{is closed in}T› assms have "U=0∨⋃T-U=0" unfolding IsUConnected_def by auto
with ‹U∈T› have "U=0∨U=⋃T" by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding IsConnected_def by auto
lemma UConn_spectrum:
shows "(A{is in the spectrum of}IsUConnected) ⟷ A≲1"
assume A_spec:"(A{is in the spectrum of}IsUConnected)"
assume "A=0"
then have "A≲1" using empty_lepollI by auto
assume "A≠0"
from A_spec have "∀T. (T{is a topology}∧⋃T≈A) ⟶ (T{is ultraconnected})" unfolding Spec_def by auto
have "Pow(A){is a topology}" using Pow_is_top by auto
have "⋃Pow(A)=A" by auto
then have "⋃Pow(A)≈A" by auto
ultimately have ult:"Pow(A){is ultraconnected}" by auto
from ‹A≠0› obtain b where "b∈A" by auto
then have "{b}{is closed in}Pow(A)" unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
fix c
assume "c∈A""c≠b"
then have "{c}{is closed in}Pow(A)""{c}∩{b}=0" unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
with ult ‹{b}{is closed in}Pow(A)› have "False" using IsUConnected_def by auto
with ‹b∈A› have "A={b}" by auto
then have "A≈1" using singleton_eqpoll_1 by auto
then have "A≲1" using eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
ultimately show "A≲1" by auto
assume "A≲1"
fix T
assume "T{is a topology}""⋃T≈A"
assume "⋃T=0"
with ‹T{is a topology}› have "T={0}" using empty_open by auto
then have "T{is ultraconnected}" unfolding IsUConnected_def IsClosed_def by auto
assume "⋃T≠0"
from ‹A≲1›‹⋃T≈A› have "⋃T≲1" using eq_lepoll_trans by auto
obtain E where eq:"⋃T={E}" using lepoll_1_is_sing by blast
have "T⊆Pow(⋃T)" by auto
ultimately have "T⊆Pow({E})" by auto
then have "T⊆{0,{E}}" by blast
with ‹T{is a topology}› have "{0}⊆T" "T⊆{0,{E}}" using empty_open by auto
then have "T{is ultraconnected}" unfolding IsUConnected_def IsClosed_def by (simp only: eq, safe, force)
ultimately have "T{is ultraconnected}" by auto
then show "A{is in the spectrum of}IsUConnected" unfolding Spec_def by auto
text‹This time, anti-ultraconnected is an old property.›
theorem (in topology0) anti_UConn:
shows "(T{is anti-}IsUConnected) ⟷ T{is T⇩1}"
assume "T{is T⇩1}"
fix TT
assume "TT{is a topology}""TT{is T⇩1}""TT{is ultraconnected}"
assume "⋃TT=0"
then have "⋃TT≲1" using empty_lepollI by auto
then have "((⋃TT){is in the spectrum of}IsUConnected)" using UConn_spectrum by auto
assume "⋃TT≠0"
then obtain t where "t∈⋃TT" by blast
fix x
assume p:"x∈⋃TT"
fix y assume "y∈(⋃TT)-{x}"
with ‹TT{is T⇩1}› p obtain U where "U∈TT" "y∈U" "x∉U" using isT1_def by blast
then have "U∈TT" "y∈U" "U⊆(⋃TT)-{x}" by auto
then have "∃U∈TT. y∈U ∧ U⊆(⋃TT)-{x}" by auto
then have "∀y∈(⋃TT)-{x}. ∃U∈TT. y∈U ∧ U⊆(⋃TT)-{x}" by auto
with ‹TT{is a topology}› have "⋃TT-{x}∈TT" using topology0.open_neigh_open unfolding topology0_def by auto
with p have "{x} {is closed in}TT" using IsClosed_def by auto
then have reg:"∀x∈⋃TT. {x}{is closed in}TT" by auto
with ‹t∈⋃TT› have t_cl:"{t}{is closed in}TT" by auto
fix y
assume "y∈⋃TT"
with reg have "{y}{is closed in}TT" by auto
with ‹TT{is ultraconnected}› t_cl have "y=t" unfolding IsUConnected_def by auto
with ‹t∈⋃TT› have "⋃TT={t}" by blast
then have "⋃TT≈1" using singleton_eqpoll_1 by auto
then have "⋃TT≲1" using eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
then have "(⋃TT){is in the spectrum of}IsUConnected" using UConn_spectrum by auto
ultimately have "(⋃TT){is in the spectrum of}IsUConnected" by blast
then have "(TT{is a topology}∧TT{is T⇩1}∧(TT{is ultraconnected}))⟶ ((⋃TT){is in the spectrum of}IsUConnected)"
by auto
then have "∀TT. (TT{is a topology}∧TT{is T⇩1}∧(TT{is ultraconnected}))⟶ ((⋃TT){is in the spectrum of}IsUConnected)"
by auto
note here_T1
ultimately have "∀T. T{is a topology} ⟶ ((T{is T⇩1})⟶(T{is anti-}IsUConnected))" using Q_P_imp_Spec[where Q=isT1 and P=IsUConnected]
by auto
with topSpaceAssum have "(T{is T⇩1})⟶(T{is anti-}IsUConnected)" by auto
with ‹T{is T⇩1}› show "T{is anti-}IsUConnected" by auto
assume ASS:"T{is anti-}IsUConnected"
fix x y
assume "x∈⋃T""y∈⋃T""x≠y"
then have tot:"⋃(T{restricted to}{x,y})={x,y}" unfolding RestrictedTo_def by auto
assume AS:"∀U∈T. x∈U⟶y∈U"
assume "{y}{is closed in}(T{restricted to}{x,y})"
from ‹x≠y› have "{x,y}-{y}={x}" by auto
ultimately have "{x}∈(T{restricted to}{x,y})" unfolding IsClosed_def by (simp only:tot)
then obtain U where "U∈T""{x}={x,y}∩U" unfolding RestrictedTo_def by auto
with ‹x≠y› have "y∉{x}" "y∈{x,y}" by (blast+)
with ‹{x}={x,y}∩U› have "y∉U" by auto
moreover have "x∈{x}" by auto
with ‹{x}={x,y}∩U› have "x∈U" by auto
ultimately have "x∈U""y∉U""U∈T" by auto
with AS have "False" by auto
then have y_no_cl:"¬({y}{is closed in}(T{restricted to}{x,y}))" by auto
fix A B
assume cl:"A{is closed in}(T{restricted to}{x,y})""B{is closed in}(T{restricted to}{x,y})""A∩B=0"
with tot have "A⊆{x,y}""B⊆{x,y}""A∩B=0" unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
then have "x∈A⟶x∉B""y∈A⟶y∉B""A⊆{x,y}""B⊆{x,y}" by auto
assume "x∈A"
with ‹x∈A⟶x∉B›‹B⊆{x,y}› have "B⊆{y}" by auto
then have "B=0∨B={y}" by auto
with y_no_cl cl(2) have "B=0" by auto
assume "x∉A"
with ‹A⊆{x,y}› have "A⊆{y}" by auto
then have "A=0∨A={y}" by auto
with y_no_cl cl(1) have "A=0" by auto
ultimately have "A=0∨B=0" by auto
then have "(T{restricted to}{x,y}){is ultraconnected}" unfolding IsUConnected_def by auto
with ASS ‹x∈⋃T›‹y∈⋃T› have "{x,y}{is in the spectrum of}IsUConnected" unfolding antiProperty_def
by auto
then have "{x,y}≲1" using UConn_spectrum by auto
moreover have "x∈{x,y}" by auto
ultimately have "{x}={x,y}" using lepoll_1_is_sing[of "{x,y}""x"] by auto
have "y∈{x,y}" by auto
ultimately have "y∈{x}" by auto
then have "y=x" by auto
then have "False" using ‹x≠y› by auto
then have "∃U∈T. x∈U∧y∉U" by auto
then show "T{is T⇩1}" unfolding isT1_def by auto
text‹Is is natural that separation axioms and connection axioms are anti-properties of each other;
as the concepts of connectedness and separation are opposite.›
text‹To end this section, let's try to charaterize anti-sober spaces.›
lemma sober_spectrum:
shows "(A{is in the spectrum of}IsSober) ⟷ A≲1"
assume AS:"A{is in the spectrum of}IsSober"
assume "A=0"
then have "A≲1" using empty_lepollI by auto
assume "A≠0"
note AS
have top:"{0,A}{is a topology}" unfolding IsATopology_def by auto
have "⋃{0,A}=A" by auto
then have "⋃{0,A}≈A" by auto
ultimately have "{0,A}{is sober}" using Spec_def by auto
have "{0,A}{is hyperconnected}" using Indiscrete_HConn by auto
have "{0,A}{restricted to}A={0,A}" unfolding RestrictedTo_def by auto
have "A{is closed in}{0,A}" unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
note ‹A≠0›
ultimately have "∃x∈A. A=Closure({x},{0,A})∧ (∀y∈⋃{0, A}. A = Closure({y}, {0, A}) ⟶ y = x)" unfolding IsSober_def by auto
then obtain x where "x∈A" "A=Closure({x},{0,A})" and reg:"∀y∈A. A = Closure({y}, {0, A}) ⟶ y = x" by auto
fix y assume "y∈A"
with top have "Closure({y},{0,A}){is closed in}{0,A}" using topology0.cl_is_closed
topology0_def by auto
from ‹y∈A› top have "y∈Closure({y},{0,A})" using topology0.cl_contains_set
topology0_def by auto
ultimately have "A-Closure({y},{0,A})∈{0,A}""Closure({y},{0,A})∩A≠0" unfolding IsClosed_def
by auto
then have "A-Closure({y},{0,A})=A∨A-Closure({y},{0,A})=0"
by auto
from ‹y∈A›‹y∈Closure({y},{0,A})› have "y∈A""y∉A-Closure({y},{0,A})" by auto
ultimately have "A-Closure({y},{0,A})=0" by (cases "A-Closure({y},{0,A})=A", simp, auto)
from ‹y∈A› top have "Closure({y},{0,A})⊆A" using topology0_def topology0.Top_3_L11(1) by blast
then have "A-(A-Closure({y},{0,A}))=Closure({y},{0,A})" by auto
ultimately have "A=Closure({y},{0,A})" by auto
with reg have "∀y∈A. x=y" by auto
with ‹x∈A› have "A={x}" by blast
then have "A≈1" using singleton_eqpoll_1 by auto
then have "A≲1" using eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
ultimately show "A≲1" by auto
assume "A≲1"
fix T assume "T{is a topology}""⋃T≈A"
assume "⋃T=0"
then have "T{is sober}" unfolding IsSober_def by auto
assume "⋃T≠0"
then obtain x where "x∈⋃T" by blast
from ‹⋃T≈A› ‹A≲1› have "⋃T≲1" using eq_lepoll_trans by auto
ultimately have "⋃T={x}" using lepoll_1_is_sing by auto
have "T⊆Pow(⋃T)" by auto
ultimately have "T⊆Pow({x})" by auto
then have "T⊆{0,{x}}" by blast
from ‹T{is a topology}› have "0∈T" using empty_open by auto
from ‹T{is a topology}› have "⋃T∈T" unfolding IsATopology_def by auto
with ‹⋃T={x}› have "{x}∈T" by auto
ultimately have T_def:"T={0,{x}}" by auto
then have dd:"Pow(⋃T)-{0}={{x}}" by auto
fix B assume "B∈Pow(⋃T)-{0}"
with dd have B_def:"B={x}" by auto
from ‹T{is a topology}› have "(⋃T){is closed in}T" using topology0_def topology0.Top_3_L1
by auto
with ‹⋃T={x}› ‹T{is a topology}› have "Closure({x},T)={x}" using topology0.Top_3_L8
unfolding topology0_def by auto
with B_def have "B=Closure({x},T)" by auto
fix y assume "y∈⋃T"
with ‹⋃T={x}› have "y=x" by auto
then have "(∀y∈⋃T. B = Closure({y}, T) ⟶ y = x)" by auto
moreover note ‹x∈⋃T›
ultimately have "(∃x∈⋃T. B = Closure({x}, T) ∧ (∀y∈⋃T. B = Closure({y}, T) ⟶ y = x))"
by auto
then have "T{is sober}" unfolding IsSober_def by auto
ultimately have "T{is sober}" by blast
then show "A {is in the spectrum of} IsSober" unfolding Spec_def by auto
theorem (in topology0)anti_sober:
shows "(T{is anti-}IsSober) ⟷ T={0,⋃T}"
assume "T={0,⋃T}"
fix A assume "A∈Pow(⋃T)""(T{restricted to}A){is sober}"
assume "A=0"
then have "A≲1" using empty_lepollI by auto
then have "A{is in the spectrum of}IsSober" using sober_spectrum by auto
assume "A≠0"
have "⋃T∈{0,⋃T}""0∈{0,⋃T}" by auto
with ‹T={0,⋃T}› have "(⋃T)∈T" "0∈T" by auto
with ‹A∈Pow(⋃T)› have "{0,A}⊆(T{restricted to}A)" unfolding RestrictedTo_def by auto
have "∀B∈{0,⋃T}. B=0∨B=⋃T" by auto
with ‹T={0,⋃T}› have "∀B∈T. B=0